Die Behandlung traumabezogener Dissoziation der Persönlichkeit. Fortgeschrittenenkurs. Teil 2 von 4
Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis, PhD
Zweitägige Fortbildung: 13. und 14.03.2015
Ort: Hotel Promenade beim Psychotherapeutischen Institut im Park, Schaffhausen
Fortbildungsreihe für PsychotherapeutInnen und PsychotherapeutInnen, die bereits an einer einführenden Fortbildungsreihe (Grundkurs) bei Ellert Nijenhuis teilgenommen haben.
Referent: Ellert Nijenhuis, PhD, Top Referent Trauma Center Mental Health Care Drenthe, Assen, Niederlande, www.enijenhuis.nl
Die Fortbildungen finden in deutscher Sprache statt.
Die Seminarreihe umfasst vier Wochenenden von Freitag bis Samstag. Die Termine sind:
16. und 17. Januar 2015
13. und 14. März 2015
08. und 09. Mai 2015
23. und 24. Oktober 2015
Im Gegensatz zu unseren sonstigen Fortbildungen können die Seminare dieser Fortbildungsreihe nicht einzeln belegt werden.
Seminardauer: Freitag 10.00 bis 18.00 Uhr und Samstag 09.00 bis 17.00 Uhr ( 8 Zeiteinheiten à 90 Minuten)
Unsere Fortbildungen sind von den für unser Fachgebiet relevanten Schweizer Fachgesellschaften im Rahmen ihrer Fortbildungsreglemente als Fortbildungen anerkannt.
Sie werden zudem für die deutschen KollegInnen von der Landespsychotherapeutenkammer Baden-Württemberg mit Fortbildungspunkten zertifiziert.
Übersichtstext von Ellert Nijenhuis zur Reihe:
The Treatment of Trauma-Related Structural Dissociation of the Personality:
An Advanced Course
This course is specifically designed for colleagues who have followed the basic course on the treatment of trauma-related structural dissociation of the personality, and who wish to further develop their skills in treating patients who have been chronically traumatized. The course focuses on discussing and practising clinical skills and challenging interventions that flow from the theory as well as from a Janetian psychology of action described in The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization by Onno van der Hart, Ellert Nijenhuis, and Kathy Steele (Norton, New York, 2006). This book will be used extensively in the course. Participants are invited to present difficult clinical cases. These cases will be used to practice making historical, functional and holistic analyses, to design detailed treatment plans and specific interventions, and to prepare the execution of the interventions in a skilful way. All participants take part in role-plays and home-work groups to ensure that they leave the course with a solid experiential understanding of how dissociative patients feel, think, and act, and with an advanced command of the clinical tools required for conducting therapy with complex cases.
Although the case discussions are bound to address a wide spectrum of theoretical and clinical issues, the four weekends of the course will have their own emphases. The first weekend is geared toward improving the participants’ skills to make a variety of in-depth analyses of the patient’s functioning. These analyses include assessing the patient according to a Janetian analyses of the patient’s “mental economy.” This analysis examines what have been, are and will be (if nothing is changed) the patient’s mental income and costs, and how a more profitable balance can be reached. The first weekend will also address how clinicians can assist patients to overcome a severe phobia of the diagnosis and a deep phobia of collaboration and attachment in the first phase of treatment.
The second weekend involves the in-depth analysis and treatment of substitute actions—lower level actions such as suicidality, substance (ab)use, and disruption of personal relationships, including the relationship with the therapist and the therapeutic team. These actions substitute for more difficult, but more adaptive higher level actions. Reflexive mental actions will also be examined in the framework of substitute actions, and ways to foster adaptive reflective and experimental actions are discussed and practiced.
In the third weekend, participants rehearse a variety of ways in which patients can be assisted to integrate their traumatic memories. The integration of traumatic memories is a most difficult mental action that only succeeds when the patient manages to deepen and maintain the collaborative and attachment relationship with the therapist and the therapeutic team. This principle will be strongly emphasized. Participants will be acquainted with the mental actions that survivors of relational traumatization engage in to annihilate attachment relationships and they will learn to quickly detect the signs of (impending) such attachment disruptions. They will subsequently practice how patients can be assisted in repairing the collaborative and attachment relationship with the therapist and the therapeutic team.
The fourth and last weekend focuses on transferential and countertransferential actions. Participants will be invited to analyse their own responses to their different patients in terms of a psychology of action. In this context, they will recognize how countertransferential reactions can be understood as substitute actions, as actions that stand in for more adaptive, but more demanding clinical conduct. Generally speaking, countertransferential actions emerge when the patient’s actions elicit the therapist’s action system of defense so strongly that the therapist loses the capacity to be integrative and therapeutically effective. Ways to detect, manage, and overcome such most understandable but ineffective actions will be explored and rehearsed.
Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis, PhD, arbeitet seit mehr als 20 Jahren mit chronisch traumatisierten Patienten und ist einer der führenden Dissoziationsforscher mit vielen Einladungen zu internationalen Konferenzen (z.B. Keynote-Speaker bei der ISTSS Conference 2003, Hauptredner bei der EMDR Europe Conference 2004 etc.). Er hat zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen und Bücher geschrieben. Zusammen mit Prof. Onno van der Hart und Kathy Steele hat er die Theorie der Strukturellen Dissoziation der Persönlichkeit entwickelt und ist wesentlich beteiligt an Forschungsprojekten mit PET, MRT und physiologischen Messungen zu diesem Thema.
Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, and researcher. He received his Ph.D., cum laude, at the Medical Department of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam for his book: Somatoform dissociation: Phenomena, measurement, and theoretical issues (currently in reprint with W.W. Norton, New York).
In 1998 the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD) granted him the Morton Prince Award for Scientific Excellence for his scientific contributions; in 2000 the Pierre Janet Writing Award; and in 2002 the status of Fellow for his outstanding contributions to the diagnosis, treatment, research, and education in dissociative disorders.
He works at the Outpatient Department of Psychiatry of Mental Health Care Drenthe, Assen, The Netherlands, where he engages in the diagnosis and treatment of severely traumatized patients, and chairs the Trauma Committee. He performs his original scientific research at this hospital, and collaborates with the Universities of Groningen and Zürich. His innovating empirical and experimental research addresses the psychology and psychobiology of chronic traumatization and dissociation.
He has written many clinical and scientific articles, book chapters, and some books, he is a reviewer of several professional journals, and provides presentations and workshops at many international conferences. In 2003, he was granted the closing plenary at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (Chicago) addressing the emerging psychobiology of trauma-related dissociation and dissociative disorders.
In 2004, the Dutch Queen appointed him "Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw" ("Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion"), a very high distinction rarely given in the Netherlands. Her Majesty wished to honor him as an inspired scientist and clinician in the area of chronic traumatization.
Kosten: je Fortbildung: CHF 560.- oder EUR 460.- (incl. Seminarunterlagen)
Information und Anmeldung:
Psychotherapeutisches Institut im Park
Steigstr. 26, 8200 Schaffhausen
Tel.: + 41 52 624 97 82, Fax: + 41 52 625 08 00